
How to buy the right shoes for Zumba?

  The popularity of Zumba for weight loss, health, and fitness is the talk of the town these days. With the hike in love for Zumba, reports of foot injuries, knee damage, and hip and back pain have also increased. The diverse moves of Zumba such as lunges, turns, hops, squats, kicks, etc not only provide you a full-body workout but also strengthen your core and legs and increase flexibility.  It is difficult to resist the catchy and pulsating Zumba beats which take the workout to the next level. During and after the intense sessions, foot injury and hip and back pain are observed in approximately 25% of the Zumba lovers. Fortunately, such injuries can be prevented by buying the right pair of shoes for Zumba classes. Most Zumba lovers are unaware of the importance of the right shoe pairs for the Zumba workout. They wear casual running shoes in their Zumba classes resulting in adverse effects. Running shoes are designed quite differently with much traction and heavier cushioning making
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